Thursday, April 06, 2006

Freeman's Journal, April 3rd - 6th, 1784

FMJ April 3 - 6, 1784

New Books
Printed by S. Colbert, No. 136. Capel street, adjoining the Opera-house

1. Reginald du Bray. An Historic Tale,
1s. 7d, b. served.
"The title is pure the sentiments noble, delicate, and just, animated with every elegance of language, and all the graces of harmony/ the incidents probable and various, elucidated by a chain of the most affecting examples that display virtue as the only solid basis of greatness, and vice the sure path to detestation and igneminy" Reviewers.

The present lord lieutenant of Ireland will in all probability have the greatest patronage lapse during his time -- Limerick is expected to be followed by at least three other mitres --And above all, to his grace's lot, in all likelihood, will fall the disposal of the greatest.

Havannah, Dec. 6 By a packet just arrived from Carthagena, we have certain accounts of a most dangerous revolt in the kingdoms of Peru and Santa Fe, in South America, insomuch that it is believed they will shake off the Spanish government. It is also said that three English ships of force have actually arrived in the south sea with arms, &c. for the use of the revolted natives, and publicly declare their intention of doing only as France and Spain have done towards England and her possessions in America.

Dublin, April 5.

The finsihing blow has now been given to the rights and interests of Irishmen ; we are denied constitution, and our industrious tradesmen are assigned to poverty, and refused the means of existence. What alternative is there left? shall we kiss the rod that whips us, and hug the chains that gall us or rather shall we "check the growth of those domestic spoilers, who make us slaves, and tell us is our charter ?"



London, March 31.
An agent from the empress of Russia was in town this week, engaging bricklayers to go to Petersburgh at a very considerable wages ; a magnificient palace, it seems, is going to be built at or near that metropolis.

Domestic Intelligence

Belfast, April 2. Last Monday captain Abraham Rahash, and his son Ali Rahash, two Turks, taken prisoners by the Spanish in attempting to bring relief to the garrison of Gibraltar, and had afterwards escaped and got to Leith, from whence they came to the town, well recommended by the grand lodge of Scotland, --visited the Orange Lodge No. 257. where they were treated with every respect, civility, and love, by the brethern of that numerous and respectable body ; who gave them a recommendation to other lodges, and a sum of money to enable them to return to Constantinople, the place of their nativity. How greatful to the liberal mind, to perceive the distinction of Turk and Christian, in short, all local and religious prejudices sunk in the more sublime affection which, as the offspring of one common parent, we all owe to one another ; and which every sound principle of religion and virtue never fails to highten into pure philanthropy, when not obscured by the rankest bigotry and ignorance.


A Clerk capable of superintending the business of an Attorney's Office ; as a proper Salary will be given, none but a person of Character and Abilities need apply.
Enquire of the Printer, or at No. 25, Ross-lane.


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