Monday, April 17, 2006

Tuesday, April the 13th, to Thursday, April 15th, 1784

To Doctor Plme, No. 7, Upper Ormond-quay.
Mr. Stewart, in justess to the abilities of Doctor Palme, as also from motives of humanity, thuspublicly attests, and thanks the Doctor on behalf of Mrs. M. Murray, whom he recommended for his advice, in a most violent Rhumatism, which had entirley deprived her the use of ALL her limbs, so that she was as helpless as babe, yet in less than a month, by his means, she was restored to the PERFECT use of herLimbs, and is now as healthy and strong as she ever was in her life.
Mr. Stewart will be always happy to personally attest this extraordinary Cure, on application, at his house , No. 67, Pill-lane, Dublin, April 10, 1784

DUBLIN, April 14.
Last Satuday Edward Smyth, a slater, was executed at Philipstown, King's County, pursuant to his serntence for robbery of rev. Ephraim Harpur, sometime last January he was guarded from gaol to the place of execution by the 3d horse or carbineers ; both high and sub-sheriffs attended, as did Mr. Walsh, a clergyman of the church of Rome ; when he arrived at the fatal place, he most ernestly entreated the numerous inspectors to beware of his untimely end, and likewise to attend their duty to their church as he did not, and if he had would not have been brought to so shameful a death. He confessed his guilt, owned the justness of hisa sewntence, and behaved in every respect as became one in his unhappy situation.

Extract of a letter from Cork, April 8.
"This day a number of our distressewd and miserable unemployed woollen manufacturers paradedthe streets, with the figure of the fleece suspended to a flag staff, hung with crape, a drum beating the dead march, and several of our unfortunate fellows being dressed in mourning cloaks theatre, which presented a spectacle that gave the utmost concern to every feeling breast. Why shall wew remain deaf to the cries of our starving countrymen, by preferring English manufacture to Irish, which only wants a patriotic consumption among us, to bring broad cloth to the same perfection to which we have hats, stockings, &ec.!"

Notice is hereby given, that two Passage Boats will regularly on and after the 25th day of March inst, ply upon the Canal on every day in the week, Sundays not excepted ; the one to leave Dublin on every weekday from the 25th instant to the 290th day of September next, at 7 o'clock PRECISELY, and on Sunday at 8 o'clock PRECISELY ; and the other to leave Sallins on every day in the week at 8 o'clock precisely. The boat setting off from Dublin to reach Sallins at half after 12 o'clock on every week day, and half after one on every Sunday precisely ; and the boat setting off from Sallins to reach Dublin at half after one o'clock precisely on every day of the week. The middle stage for each boat will be Stacumney, where Passengerswill be taken in, and accommodated either to Dublin or Sallins -- the reverse as usual.
Dublin, 19th March, 1784
Signed by order. Richard Baggs, Sec.


DUBLIN, April 15.

It is with utmost satisfaction we inform the public, that general Pitt, the commander in chief of his majecty's forces here, is so far recovered, as to take the benefit of the air, as a continuance of his indisposition would as an irreparable loss to the public, and particularly tothe military, for whose discipline and improvement he has always been a most zealous advocate. The friendly and honourable reception he was pleased to give a gentleman who submitted a plan of disciplin adapted to close action with the bayonet, is a strong mark of his zeal and alacrity for his majesty's service.
The ingenious plan struck out to invigoratew his majesty's armies with a considerable and almost incredsible accession of force, (approved of by that accurate and subtlew military genius general Burgoyne) has been suspended this time past, on account of the fluctuations of administration. As the curiosity and expectation of the public have been greatly excited on this occasion, we have every reason to hopoe that they will soon be greatful by the adoption and completion of this national measure.


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