Monday, April 17, 2006

Saturday, April the 17th, to Tueday, April the 20th, 1784


Presburgh, March1.
Since the epidemical destemper among the cattle rages in some neighbouring countries, anb order has been published, forbidding any cattle being brought from other countries and sold in this kingdom, without an attestation signed by the magistrate of the place from whencethey came, that no epidemical disorders rages there.

Bamberg, March 5.
The river Reidnitz which runs through this cityt, has by overflowing its banks, done considerable damage and among the rest has carried away the bridge built in 17323, and which cost 140,000 florins ; many houses and mills have been thrown down, and forty persons have lost their lives.

LONDON, April 12.


A balloon is at present constructing at Brussels, for an aerial voyage to London, which will be so formed as to escape every accident or failure that has yet happened. It is to be filled with inflammable air, and to carry up four persons ; the size not so enormous as some others, but furnished with sailks and a rudder of taffery. Every sort of provision is to be made, and stores laid in against any accidents ; also means prepared to remedy flight rents. The duke d'Arembergh is at the expense of it, under the direction of the abbe Mann, an Englishman resident at Dixmnyd. The duke will mount in it with the abbe, and two other philosophers.

DUBLIN, April 19

Friday agreat number of men were employed in taking down the wall, which incloses the garden of the lying-in-hospital, and putting up Iron palisades in its room. When this work is accomplished, it will render the situation of that part of the town a most delightful one, and must contribute greatly to health, as it is well known by those acquainted with natural history, that vegetation purifies the air, by absorbing those corrupt particles with which it is loadedin great cities, and makes every growth the more vigorous and flourishing. Taking down the park wall of the universityt would give a like improvement to the other end of the town, and lend very much to beautify the city.
Friday the following was posted in the old exchange coffe-house:
Copy of part of a letter from Mr. James Newport, merchant, Philadelphia, dated 18th February, 1784 : to the subscribers:
"This winter has shut up all the harbours in the northern parts of America, and has put a general stop to business -- 27th December our riverwas frozen fast, and has continued so ever since, and is as firm now as terra firma :- It is likely to continue so for some weeks. Many vessels from Europe are off our capes, but are grievously disappointed, being obliged to put to sea again ; and several have been caught fast in the ice at Lewestown ; some may be saved, though not very probable. This has been the most severe winter the oldest people here remember, for a constant intense frost scarce remitting for now 53 days ; the snow has been unparalled for many years, being throughout Pensylvania on an average three feet deep.
P.S. It is reported that the liberty from Dublin is lost off Cape Cod. Some of her timber it is said were taken up at sea ; (it is only reported observe.) Another adds, that thirty of here people perished in a boat."

Sir Edward Newenham, we are informed, has resignbed his command of the Liberty Rangers : an event which is the cause of much speculation, as no reason is assigned for a conduict so unexpected.

Yesterday , at ten o'clock in the forenoon, her grace the duchess of Rutland landed at Dunleary, from on board thge Dorset yacht ; notice being immediately dispatched thereof to the castle, several of his exceliency's carriages were sent thither, as also a troop of horse, under whose escortr she arrived at the castle, a little before three o'clock.

Last week as a man was going home to Rathfarnham, he fell and broke his leg ; a woman broke her thigh in the old post-office yard ; anda young girl fell into a cellar in Garden-lane, and broke her thigh : - they were carried to the Meath hospital, where old linen will be received from cahritable ladies.


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