Tuesday, August 03, 2010

May the 4th, to May the 6th, 1784

Tuesday, May the 4th, to May the 6th, 1784

West-Indian Intelligence


Kingston, Feb. 25 Letters from the Mississippi mention, that the schooners Enterprize and Happy Return, which sailed from this port with cargoes of negroes, had been seized on by the Spaniards, no vessel but what is Spanish propery being admitted to trade.

The governor of East Florida has given public notice to the inhabitants, that, after the expiration of the term limited in the 5th article of the definitive treaty of peace between Great Britain and Spain, unless they actually reside in the province, and publicly profess the Catholic religion, they must absolutely quit their estates ; the British ships will, after the time limited, be refused entry into that province, and the property of the resident inhabitants must be sent to Spain ; and that those who may withdraw temselves to West Florida will be in the same predicament both with respect to religion and property.

London, April 28, 29

Letters from Naples, on the 30th of last month, bring the meloncholy news of an earthquake having been felt the week before at Messina and Calabria, which did great damage at Messina by the fall of a high wall, by which a house contiguous was beat down, and three persons in it lost their lives.

Dublin, May 5

On Monday last, two ingenious divers from Bristol, accompanied by one of the under-writers concerned in the Belgioso East Indiaman, lately lost on the Kish bank, in our harbour, sailed where the wreck lies, and on their return, have given it as their opinion, that from the uncommon surge of the sea in those parts, it will be forever impossible to recover any part of the valuable cargo of this vessell.

A new corps of volunteers is forming in this city, under the title of Dublin Invincibles: - they now number 100, and it is thought before Whitsun Monday next, they will increase to double that number. Their nuniform is green, faced nwith red ; the caps of the light infantry have this motto - LIBERTY OR DEATH.

A few weeks ago, a comet was discovered of very considerable magnitude, whose tail extended two or three degrees ; being at that more time an hour high, ? it set ? ? ? eight o'clock. Its place in the Heavens, as nealy as can be judged, was between the constellation of Cignus and Aquarious, and nearly upon the tropic of Capricorn. ....

In consequence of several affrays in Smithfield , between the men who had raised the May-poles in that part of tgown., the sheriffs, to secure the peace, attended on Sunday last, when they were ill treated by the mob, several of whom struck at them and threw stones ; one struck Mr. Sheriff Smith on the side, and Sheriff Kirkatrick was near losing his life by the stroke of a sword in Barrack Street.

The assistance of the military was necessarily called in, previous however to their appearence the mob had dispersed.

Dublin, May 6

There will be no drawing-room at the castle tomorrow evening.

There will be a ball at the castle on Tuesday next the 11the instant, which will be the last until his Majesty's birth-day.

Ladies and gentlemen may be presented before the ball for that night only.


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