From Saturday, May the 1st, to Tuesday, May the 4th
Domestic Intelligence
Cork, April 26.
A Few days ago as Mr. Bagwell was walking near his owm demeine in the county of Tipperary, a woman came up to him, and requested he would direct her to an honest person's house to lodge in that night, as she had a small charge of money about her; he directed her to shepherd's house whom he imagined to be a very honest man. In the middle of the night, the shepherd called up his boy; and gave him directions to go out to the sheep and drive them from one field to another. The boy went out but the uncommmoness of the order, made him suspious, on which he returned to the door, and heard the woman of the house requesting her husband to spare the life of her lodger, whom he was determined to murder and rob. He was not long harkening when by the bussle and some groans, he suspected she was murdered; he ran off to Mr. Bagwell's and alarmed him and his family; told him his suspicion, and brought him to the shepherd's, where they found the unfortunate woman bleeding, with her throat cut from ear to ear. Mr. Bagwell, with his usual activity and love of justice, had the murderer and his wife safely lodged in Clonmel jail; and it is hoped that they willmeet with that punishment so justly due to such unheard of cruelty. They did not get the money for which they killed her, and it was afterwards found platted up in her hair.
Kilkenny April 18.
The following are spirited and patriotic resolutions entered into by the grand jury of the city of Limerick “ Having seriously considered the very great distresses of the manufacturers of this kingdom, from a too great predilection for foreign goods, and knowing that every well wisher of his country has it in his power to alleviate the distress, by wearing and using our own manufacturers, which must give employment to thousands of our starving poor:- We hereby promise and pledge ourselves to each other, that we will not for one year from this day, and longer if necessary, directly or indirectly, purchase for ourselves or our families, any article of dress or furniture, except such as shall be verified by the solemn word or oath of the seller to be manufactured in Ireland ; and if any man shall be found to impose on the buyer , English cloth for Irish, he shall be considered an enemy of his country. Resolved That it is a duty incumbent on every native and friend to Ireland, to assist in the great work of rescuing thousands of our fellow creatures from perishing through want, by wearing our own manufactures, and that every member of this grand jury will appear in the jury room, on the 4th of June next, being the king’s birth-day, in a new coat, with the word Irish engraved on the upper button, and that he will give preference to cloth manufactured in Limerick”
Waterford, April 30.
Last Wednesday our assizes ended, which provided a maiden one ; and yesterday morning their lordships set off from this city, having finished the Munster circuit.
Dublin, May 3.
Sunday, the gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Richmond went to Drumcondra church, all dressed in Irish manufacture, when an excellent sermon was preached on the occasion by the rev. Brabzon Wye.
Yesterday at eleven o’clock in the afternoon, the several volunteer corps of this city marched out of town through the great Wicklow, or Stillorgan road, for the purpose of a great field exercise, or knapsack expedition.
A discovery has been made of an immense quarry of cream-coloured marble, on the banks of the grand canal, within eight miles of this city. From the hardness, beauty, and exquisite polish of this stone, it may reasonably be presumed, that the importations of marbles from Italy will be greatly lessened.
Extract of a letter from Malta, March 1.
“ A squadron is fitting out here by order of the grand master , under the command of the chevalier Thoinasin, to join the Venetian squadron , and undertake in concert, an expedition against the regency of Tunis ; after which the two squadrons are to form a junction with the Spanish fleet to attach Algiers.”
Cork, April 26.
A Few days ago as Mr. Bagwell was walking near his owm demeine in the county of Tipperary, a woman came up to him, and requested he would direct her to an honest person's house to lodge in that night, as she had a small charge of money about her; he directed her to shepherd's house whom he imagined to be a very honest man. In the middle of the night, the shepherd called up his boy; and gave him directions to go out to the sheep and drive them from one field to another. The boy went out but the uncommmoness of the order, made him suspious, on which he returned to the door, and heard the woman of the house requesting her husband to spare the life of her lodger, whom he was determined to murder and rob. He was not long harkening when by the bussle and some groans, he suspected she was murdered; he ran off to Mr. Bagwell's and alarmed him and his family; told him his suspicion, and brought him to the shepherd's, where they found the unfortunate woman bleeding, with her throat cut from ear to ear. Mr. Bagwell, with his usual activity and love of justice, had the murderer and his wife safely lodged in Clonmel jail; and it is hoped that they willmeet with that punishment so justly due to such unheard of cruelty. They did not get the money for which they killed her, and it was afterwards found platted up in her hair.
Kilkenny April 18.
The following are spirited and patriotic resolutions entered into by the grand jury of the city of Limerick “ Having seriously considered the very great distresses of the manufacturers of this kingdom, from a too great predilection for foreign goods, and knowing that every well wisher of his country has it in his power to alleviate the distress, by wearing and using our own manufacturers, which must give employment to thousands of our starving poor:- We hereby promise and pledge ourselves to each other, that we will not for one year from this day, and longer if necessary, directly or indirectly, purchase for ourselves or our families, any article of dress or furniture, except such as shall be verified by the solemn word or oath of the seller to be manufactured in Ireland ; and if any man shall be found to impose on the buyer , English cloth for Irish, he shall be considered an enemy of his country. Resolved That it is a duty incumbent on every native and friend to Ireland, to assist in the great work of rescuing thousands of our fellow creatures from perishing through want, by wearing our own manufactures, and that every member of this grand jury will appear in the jury room, on the 4th of June next, being the king’s birth-day, in a new coat, with the word Irish engraved on the upper button, and that he will give preference to cloth manufactured in Limerick”
Waterford, April 30.
Last Wednesday our assizes ended, which provided a maiden one ; and yesterday morning their lordships set off from this city, having finished the Munster circuit.
Dublin, May 3.
Sunday, the gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Richmond went to Drumcondra church, all dressed in Irish manufacture, when an excellent sermon was preached on the occasion by the rev. Brabzon Wye.
Yesterday at eleven o’clock in the afternoon, the several volunteer corps of this city marched out of town through the great Wicklow, or Stillorgan road, for the purpose of a great field exercise, or knapsack expedition.
A discovery has been made of an immense quarry of cream-coloured marble, on the banks of the grand canal, within eight miles of this city. From the hardness, beauty, and exquisite polish of this stone, it may reasonably be presumed, that the importations of marbles from Italy will be greatly lessened.
Extract of a letter from Malta, March 1.
“ A squadron is fitting out here by order of the grand master , under the command of the chevalier Thoinasin, to join the Venetian squadron , and undertake in concert, an expedition against the regency of Tunis ; after which the two squadrons are to form a junction with the Spanish fleet to attach Algiers.”