Wednesday, March 01, 2006

FMJ Jan. 1-3 1784

London, Dec. 27.

By letters from Canada we find, that all the German troops had left that province, and everything remained in perfect security. No inconveniencies have yet resulted to the fur trade, which was much appreciated, by the settlement of the boundaries ; for the protection of which trade the old French works, called Fort Frontenac, are ordered to be repaired, and an engineer, with troops and artificers, is gone up the St. Lawerence for the purpose. General Haldimand has also given directions for the finishing of the works at Quebec, St. John's, the Isle au Noix, &c. The troops now in Canada amount to between 3000 and 4000 men, consisting of the 8th, 29th, 31st, 34th, 44th, 53d, and 84th regiments of foot, with two companies of artillery. These corps are in a very delicate situation, about two-thirds of their non-commissioned officers and private men being entitled to their discharge, which nevertheless cannot be granted them without immediate danger of the province (the Canadians being exceedingly disaffected) until they are reinforced from this country, or from New York.


The very unusual number of vessels that now crowd the river, from Marine-school to the Custom-house, plainly show that the trade of this country is much increased. many of these ships are from 4 to 7 hundred tonsburthen, and begin to give our harbour an air of true commercial consequence.


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