Sunday, March 05, 2006

FMJ 10-13 January, 1784

The price of wheat during the last four months of the year 1782, in the following countries, the measure reduced to the English quarter:
l. s. d.
England ---- 2 16 6
France ----- 2 0 0
Germany ---- 2 2 0
Lombardy --- 1 17 0
Tuscany ---- 1 15 0
Sicily ----- 1 6 6
Algiers ---- 1 10 0
Syria ------ 1 4
Morea ------ 1 6 0
Danszick --- 1 12 0
The Ukraine- 0 10 6


The advocates of the slave trade argue that the natives of Africa are at perpetual war with each other ; and that if they had no method of selling their captives, they would fall upon the more inhuman practice of murdering those unhappy creatures, whom chance of war flung into their hands. This however, is far from being the truth ; for it is notorious that petty princes on the sea coasts of Guniea ared tempted to make war their neighbours only for the sake of making prisoners to sell to Europeans. Was this practice done away, the source of their contention would be immediately done away.


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